Hi, I am so glad you have found your way to my website and hopefully that means you are considering me to create some amazing images for you or someone you love. Photography has been a part of my life for a long time now. Beginning in high school where I learned darkroom technique shooting with black and white film and then in college I met my wonderful husband in a photography class. I have not always worked professionally as a photographer but have always kept my camera close by capturing the memories of our life. I love every opportunity to capture those moments in time that will be cherished for years to come. I enjoy shooting with natural light and a relaxed style that puts my clients at ease. A few things you may not know about me: I have two amazing boys that I thank God for everyday! My husband and I have been married for 25 blessed years. I was born and raised in Michigan, the great lakes state. I love dark chocolate. I love to travel…this image was shot of me on a recent trip to Israel. A few things I have learned over the years: Cherish every day! Be content with whatever life brings. Remain in a thankful state of mind. Family may not necessarily be related to you. I would love to meet you sometime! Beth
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